How to Prepare for the CAT4 Test: 9 Tactics & Tips to Score High

Welcome to our comprehensive guide for preparing your child for the CAT4 test!

The CAT4 is a vital standardized exam that profoundly impacts your child’s academic journey. To excel, diligent preparation and dedication are key.

Luckily, we’ve gathered nine proven tips to help your child maximize their performance and achieve high scores on the CAT4 test.

With these valuable insights, they’ll stay ahead of their peers and gain the confidence to conquer the challenges ahead. So, read on and equip yourself with the knowledge to support your child’s success!

Start Preparing As Early As Possible

It’s recommended to start preparing for the CAT4 as soon as you receive the test date. Since the exam includes challenging questions your child probably has yet to encounter, like paper folding and matrices questions, it’s essential to start practicing as early as possible.

This will enable your child to practice at ease without rushing or setting aside too many hours each day that might exhaust them. This will also leave more free hours for hobbies and other fun activities to keep your child motivated throughout this period.

Understand the CAT4 Test Structure and Format

The CAT4 is a multiple-choice test designed to measure the student’s cognitive abilities and academic levels. It provides valuable information on areas of strength and weakness, helping educators identify those students who may require additional support in certain areas.

Also, high scores on the CAT4 can help your child get into luxury schools or special programs, such as gifted and talented programs.

The CAT4 test is administered in paper-based and online versions, which are similar in structure and take about two hours to complete.

The test has 10 different levels (from X to G), each aimed at other age groups. Levels A to G have the same structure and format, but the questions’ difficulty increases as you move up the level’s ladder (Level G is the hardest).

The exam comprises four main subtests, also named batteries: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Spatial Ability.

Each of these batteries is further divided into two subtests, so there are eight subtests in total. The test is administered in three parts, each divided into two or three short tests:

Part 1

  • Figure Classification: 24 questions, 10 minutes
  • Figure Matrices: 24 questions, 10 minutes

Part 2

  • Verbal Classification: 24 questions, 8 minutes
  • Verbal Analogies: 24 questions, 8 minutes
  • Number Analogies: 18 questions, 10 minutes

Part 3

  • Number Series: 18 questions, 8 minutes
  • Figure Analysis: 18 questions, 9 minutes
  • Figure Recognition: 18 questions, 9 minutes

Students can answer questions from the same battery in any order, but they are restricted to answering questions from one battery at a time.

Try CAT4 Sample Questions & Free Practice Tests

Solving sample questions and sample tests is a great way to start to get a feel for the exam. They enable your child to get familiar with the test’s question types and help plan the rest of the preparation process by identifying which areas demand improvement.

Also, most sample tests are timed and come with full solutions, so your child can learn from their mistakes and feel the actual time pressure.

Get free CAT4 practice tests with full answers on this page.

Here are a few sample questions that resemble questions from the real test. Note that the level of each question is different.

CAT4 Test Level B Sample Question (Non-Verbal Reasoning Battery)

Choose the answer choice that follows the pattern and completes the matrix.

CAT4 level B figure matrices sample question
CAT4 level B figure matrices sample question answer choices

Correct Answer & Explanation:

The correct answer is the 4th from the left.

There are three patterns in this question.

1- The grey quarter of the circle shifts by one position anticlockwise when moving from left to right in a row.

2- The black arrow shifts by one position clockwise when moving from left to right in a row.

3- The orientation of the black arrow changes by making one-quarter a rotation clockwise when moving from left to right in a row.

The fourth one is the only choice that meets all these three conditions when considering the shape on the left of the question mark.

CAT4 Test Level C Sample Question (Quantitative Reasoning Battery)

What number comes next in the series?

5        15        10       30       25       75       ?

A. 60
B. 70
C. 70
D. 55
E. 40

Correct Answer & Explanation:

The correct answer is (C) – 70.

In the series, the next number is obtained by multiplying the previous number by 3 in the first turn and subtracting 5 from the previous number in the second turn. The same sequence is repeated subsequently. The sequence is 5*3=15, 15-5 = 10, 10*3=30, 30-5=25, 25*3=75 and 75-5=70.

CAT4 Test Level D Sample Question (Verbal Reasoning Battery)

The first pair of words go together in a certain way. Choose the word that goes together with the third word in the same way.

wagon → horse : trailer → 

A. truck
B. tractor
C. car
D. load
E. haul

Correct Answer & Explanation:

The correct answer is (A) – truck. 

A wagon is pulled by a horse.  A trailer is pulled by a truck.  In this case, the first word (a noun) is pulled by the second word (a noun). 

CAT4 Test Level E Sample Question (Spatial Ability Battery)

Choose the answer choice that shows the final product of the unfolded punched-in paper.

CAT4 level E figure analysis sample question
CAT4 level E figure analysis sample question answer choices

Correct Answer & Explanation:

The correct answer is the 2nd from the left:

CAT4 level E figure analysis sample question solution

Identify Your Stronger and Weaker Subjects

Use the first days of the preparation period to find which areas your child struggles with and in which ones they feel comfortable.

This will help you plan ahead and make the study sessions more effective by allocating more time for the weaker areas and only briefly practicing the stronger ones.

It’s also important to monitor how your child advances and see if there’s an improvement in each weak subject.

If you see that the improvement is only minor, consider adding more practice resources or even hiring a tutor to give your child the extra help they need.

Take Full-length CAT4 Practice Simulations

Nothing can help your child prepare for the CAT4 exam like full-length simulations that look and feel like the actual test.

These practice simulations usually have the same structure, format, and timing as the real test, so your child will have no surprises on test day.

Also, they are coupled with detailed explanations for each question and score reports to track your child’s performance.

Get dozens of additional CAT4 practice tests to help your child prepare and score high.

Get Used to Working Under Time Pressure

The CAT4 is a strictly timed test. In fact, your child will have only 20 seconds per question on some subsections.

This means your child must learn to manage their time correctly and work accurately under time pressure to score high.

One helpful method is to skip difficult questions and answer the easier ones first. This way, your child will gain quick wins and confidence at the beginning and have extra seconds at the end for the harder questions.

Another method is taking timed practice tests that help your child get used to working under time constraints and managing their time effectively.

Many children, especially younger ones, are not used to this kind of time pressure. So they should gradually build this ability with your support so that it doesn’t become a stressful situation but rather a hurdle they need to overcome.

Develop Good Study Habits

Encouraging your child to develop good study habits will benefit them now and in the long run. Setting an example of how they should approach studying and learning is important.

Here are five ways you can help your child develop healthy study habits:

1. Make a Schedule: Sit down with your child and create a study schedule. Ensure to include time for breaks and other activities, such as sports or hobbies.

2. Set Goals: Help your child set realistic goals and objectives regarding their academic performance that they can strive to reach.

3. Time Management: Encourage your child to use good time management skills by teaching them to prioritize tasks and manage their time wisely. This will help them remain focused on what’s most important and prevent procrastination.

4. Find What Works: Different students learn differently, so it is vital to find the best methods for your child – whether they use flashcards, listen to lectures, or watch videos.

5. Get Support: Create an atmosphere of support for your child and provide them with a safe space to ask questions or express their worries. Join study groups, hire tutors, and use online resources to help students with the CAT4 test preparation process.

Teach Stress Management Techniques

Teaching your child stress management techniques is essential for preparing for the CAT4 test. 

Stress can negatively affect test performance, so giving your child tools and resources is important to help them handle any pressure they may feel during the exam.

One strategy you can use with your child is having them identify their triggers and learn how to manage them. This involves teaching your child relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or mindfulness meditation.

Other helpful strategies include getting plenty of sleep the night before the test, eating a healthy breakfast before their test, writing down any worries they may have and finding ways to address them, and taking breaks during the exam to stay focused and alert.

Additionally, you can build their confidence by giving them positive affirmations about their abilities (more about this in the next tip).

Provide Supportive Feedback During Preparation Periods

It is crucial to provide your child with positive, motivating feedback when they are preparing for the CAT4 test. 

This will help them build self-confidence and stay motivated by providing reassurance that their efforts are being recognized and appreciated.

Give specific praise for every effort your child makes towards studying, such as reading material, taking practice tests, and asking questions. 

Additionally, it is essential to encourage them meaningfully when they experience difficulty or setbacks while studying; this will help foster resilience in the face of challenges.

You can also provide feedback on their overall performance by talking with your child about the topics they are learning and providing guidance and advice on areas that need further exploration. These activities will help your child stay motivated and on track with their studying goals.

Finally, providing a positive and supportive learning environment for your child as they prepare for the CAT4 test is important. For example, encourage them to take breaks, give them access to resources such as online study guides or tutors, or set up study groups with classmates.

Conclusion and Additional CAT4 Test Guides

By following these nine tips, you’ll be well on your way to helping your child prepare for the CAT4 test. 

But don’t forget that it takes practice and patience to help them become successful. It is important to remember that the results of any testing should not define who a child is or their worth as an individual. 

Each student has unique strengths and weaknesses, and tests like the CAT4 can help us better understand how best to support them in achieving success in school and beyond. 

With dedication, understanding, and perseverance, you can help your child reach their full potential!

More CAT4 Test Guides on Our Site:

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